Small Changes + Continuous Improvement = Big Results

In his book “Atomic Habits”, James Clear tells the story of how the British cycling team transformed from a mediocre team to a world-class team.

The team's coach, Dave Brailsford, had a theory. He believed if they could make just a 1% improvement in every area related to cycling, then those small gains would eventually add up to remarkable improvement. This approach was called the "aggregation of marginal gains."

The team started by making small changes to their cycling equipment, such as using lighter tires and more aerodynamic helmets. They also made changes to their training regimen, such as optimizing their nutrition and sleep schedules.

Minor changes that by themselves were no big deal added up.

The team went on to win the Tour de France in 2012 and 8 gold medals at the 2012 Olympics in London making them the only nation to win more than a single gold medal in cycling.

Never think the small changes you make to improve yourself are no big deal.


Takeaway: Small changes + Continuous Improvement = Big Results!

Verse To Meditate On: "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin" Zechariah 4:10

Questions To Ponder: What would happen in a year if starting this week, you added one small positive health & wellness habit to your routine? How would your life be different if you did this for five years?





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